Monday, January 26, 2015

What I Know

What I know is that as I get older, that which I know can keep me from seeing what I don’t know. Change is the domain of the young, for whom it is not change, but just is. The older I get, the more I realize how fragile the origins of my understanding. We are born without attachment. We die without attachment. In between, things get pretty sticky!

1 comment:

  1. The first sentence is true, but what about 1) advancement grows with more learning, and 2) we learn more and more about less and less until we eventually will know everything about nothing, and on and on. I don't understand the second sentence. It does seem that each succeeding generation is different than the one before, but they are different, I believe, because of the advancement of learning and the increase in opportunities. I believe the word "understanding" covers too much ground. There is a different origin for each facet of understanding. Explain "attachment." It's true that life can get ugly at times. Life is a fiery trial, full of challenges and choices. How we deal with them determines how "ugly" life is.

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